News & Events

BVMG MUN 2019-20

BVM Global Bollineni Hillside Senior Secondary School conducted its 3rd BVMG MUN on 5 and 6thJuly 2019. The students of Classes X, XI and XIIfrom BVM Global Bollineni Hillside and BVM Global Perungudi participated as Delegates and chaired the various committees. Students were also a part of the Admin Staff and the World Press.

The MUN had 6 committees- UNSC, CSW, UNEP, UNICEF, UNHRC and SOCHUM. The Chairs of the various committees finalized the following agendas for deliberation:

Militarization of the Arctic; Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts; Children and armed conflict; Preventing violations of childhood labour laws; Addressing the Issue of Marine  Plastic Pollution ; Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families; Use of Mercenaries; Tackling Social Customs Hampering Economic Inequality and Women's Advancement; Increasing Safeguards for Children of Disability; Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies and Post-Disaster Recovery; Supporting the Involvement of Women in Governance and Decision-Making; The Question of Climate Engineering.

MUN gives students a wonderful opportunity to sharpen their debating skills, draft resolutions and prepare reports and newsletters. The students learnt important lessons of diplomacy, conflict resolution and critical thinking which are integral 21st century skills. Delegates competed for several awards like Best Position Paper, Best Delegate, Special Mention Award and Best Reporter.

The Chairs and the Delegates participated enthusiastically in the MUN.  Awards were distributed to the Chairs and the Delegates during the valedictory function that took place on the 6th of July. The event ended with the declaration of BVMG MUN being adjourned till 2021 and concluded with the Vote of Thanks and the National Anthem.

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