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BVM global at Bollineni Hillside Senior Secondary School hosted their 9th Investiture Ceremony on June 22nd 2019 at 9 am. After a tough electoral competition for 16 responsible positions and 9 extra-curricular club activity leaders, the deserving aspired to be tomorrow's leaders.

  The school choir put up a melodious performance, with songs that can ignite the spirits and capture the essence of leadership. The principal, vice principal and chief guests honoured the chosen leaders by pinning their respective badges and presenting them with a rose and sash.

 Former Head girl, Miss.Anushya Guzzar took over the oath ceremony and then shared a few words on the occasion about her experience as a student council member for the academic year 2018-19. This auspicious event was graced by Mr. Sharad Chandran, General Manager, Corporate Finance, FORD INDIA. He motivated the council with light and entertaining words which were also filled with wisdom and experience. He quoted the iconic Spiderman quote "With great power, comes great responsibility" and grasped the attention of the youngsters.

This day concluded with a vote of thanks by Master. Abinav Anoop of class 9 and became a memory to cherish in the future.

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