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The fifth International Yoga Day was celebrated in the school on the 8th of June,2019. The day’s events began the demonstration of Suryanamaskar, a practice of salute to the Sun also known as Sun salutation, which is a practice in modern yoga incorporating a sequence of twelve gracefully linked asanas.  The Students also showcased various other asanas like the Padmasana, Vajrasana, Dhanurasana, Vrikshasana and Chakrasana.The programme also highlighted the importance of yoga in our life and how it helps in the management and development of human personality . Students also sang melodious songs in commemoration of the World music day.

In the junior block International Yoga Day and World Music Day was celebrated on 21st June 2019.

The programme began with a prayer to the Almighty followed by World Music Day songs sung by students of standard II. There was a wonderful speech about the importance of World Yoga Day. Students of class 1 also sang melodious songs. A student of class 2 gave an enriching speech about International Yoga Day. Suryanamaskar and Yoga asanas were performed energetically students of standard Il. 

The programme concluded with an informative speech about the Sun Salute and various asanas, delivered by a student of class 2.

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