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The students and teachers of BVM Global Bollineni Hillside Senior Secondary School wanted to do something unique in making the academic year 2017-18, a memorable one. After a lot of brain storming the P.E. Department came up with an idea of having a friendly match between staff and students.

This idea was wholeheartedly accepted by all. Kiddies Football Tournament was held from 19th to 22nd of March, 2018. Students from Classes 3, 4 & 5 participated in this tournament. They formed altogether 12 teams, whereas the staff members formed 2 teams. The tournament was marked with a few warming up matches and practice sessions. Quarter finals and semifinals were played with much enthusiasm.

The final match was between Teachers' Team ‘A’ and Class 5 ‘C’.  The team spirit and youthful vigor with which both the teams played was astounding. At the end of the day, Class 5 ‘C’ won the match. This day embarked wonderful memories for both the students and the teachers.

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