News & Events


On 24th June 2016 BVM Global @ Bollineni Hillside had their annual club inauguration ceremony. It took place over two sessions, one for the Heritage, Literary, Karuna and Math clubs and the other for the Science, Quiz, Eco, Dramatics and Music clubs. The first session started at nine ‘oclock. The event started with a prayer to the Almighty. This was followed by the introduction of the chief guest Mr.Krishnan. The Vice Principal presented a memento to the chief guest.


HERITAGE CLUB - The leader of the Heritage club, Ashwathy of class ten introduced her objectives for the club. The morning session had mainly primary class children as the participants and audience. The student were dressed in traditional attire and had charts with sayings about heritage. Arya.S of class VIII B presented a PowerPoint presentation on how to preserve monuments.


MATH CLUB – The leader of the Math club   Nivedha.K of class VIII   introduced the objectives and activities of her club  .The math club presented some fun activities with the sum of 3 and 4 digit numbers.


KARUNA CLUB -The leader of the Karuna club, Raghav of class IX introduced the club, its objectives and importance. This was followed by a Tamil play highlighting the importance of doctors, teachers and similar society serving professions.


LITERARY CLUB - The leader of the Literary club, Sowmya of class IX, gave a speech on the importance of literature and language. This was followed by activities such as conversations and poems in various languages.



The Chief Guest gave an inspiring speech. Pranay of Class V B delivered the vote of thanks and the eventful day closed with the singing of National Anthem.

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