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The ceremony was held on the 22nd of June, 2016, Wednesday, at the Senior Block, BVM Global @ Bollineni  Hillside,  between  9  AM  and  10  AM.  The chief guest, Mr. Rajendran, Director of Education of BVM  GlobaGroup  of schools  wacordially welcomed. Ms. Lakshmi gave the welcome address. An oration on leadership was given by Ms. Liji which kindled the leadership qualities in the new elected leaders  of  the  student  council.  The  newlelected leaders of the student council were introduced by Ms. H. Priya and Ms. Nazima. The badges for the appointed student  council  were  pinned  by  Mr.  Rajendran.  The new student council took the oath and promised to preserve and protect the culture of BVM Global, as led by Ms. Rajalakshmi. Mr. Rajendran, in his speech, elucidated the qualities a good leader, and encouraged them to be a positive team player. At the end of the programme  Ms.  Nazimgave  the  vote  of  thanks. Finally, everyone rose for the national anthem

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