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Republic Day Celebration

“A Nation’s Culture resides in the Hearts and in the Soul of its People”                               – Mahatma Gandhi

69th Republic Day of our country was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect in the KG Block on 25th of January, 2018. A power point presentation on the importance of the Republic Day was shown to the students. The honour, dignity and diversity of our nation were explained through songs, dance, enactment and speeches. Colourful takeaways and flags were distributed to all the students.  

In the Senior Block, the students from Classes 3-5 celebrated the Republic Day on 25th of January, 2018. The programme consisted of melodious songs, speeches and a dance. The students from Classes 6-11 celebrated the Republic Day on 26th of January, 2018 with patriotic fervour. This celebration started off with an invocation to the Almighty and followed by the flag hoisting, which was done by the Chief Guests, Nirmala and Sudarshan of Class 10. The Chief Guests addressed the gathering and delivered speeches on the Constituency of India and their Future Dreams for India.


It was followed by various cultural events which included a dance, patriotic songs, speeches and a mime. A quiz was organized for the parents by the Eco and Quiz Club and rose saplings were given for the correct answers. The celebration ended with the National Anthem.

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