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First Aid Training Programme

"Safety in school, Safety at home, Safety on road, Safety in park – The safe way is the best way”,Keeping this in view, on 28th November   2017,   a   firs aid training program was conducted for students of Class 10 in the Senior Block. The school was fortunate to have Mr. L. Ramesh from St. John's Ambulance First Aid Training Centre, Chennai as a resource person. Mr. Ramesh explained the meaning of first aid and elucidated on the different aspects of first aid. He gave a vivid explanation on types of wounds and dressings, fractures, sprains and their treatment,  burns  and  scalds  and  their treatment. He threw light on signs of fits and what immediate steps could be taken to help someone experiencing an episode of fits. He made special reference to heart stroke explaining how to identify the signs of heart stroke, when and how to provide CPR to keep the person danger free till he gets medical aid. He gave tips on how to save oneself from  suffocation by smoke, fire, getting drowned and poisoning.

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