News & Events

Art Exhibition 2017-18

The Art Exhibition was inaugurated by Mr. B.O.Shailesh, artist from Chalomandalam and Smt. Sanmughampriya,an eminent artist of the city on 17t of  November,2017 in the Senior Block.The works  of the   students from Classes 3  to  11  were displayed in the A.V. Room for two days. There were 538 pictures displayed for sale on various topics. Around 83 pictures were sold and the members of the PTM committee did a wonderful job by taking over the job of sale. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to them. The proceeds will be used for donation in kind to Thiruvalluvar school. The Chief Guest appreciated the effort of the students and the different techniques they employed in their art work.On 18th, the Chief Guest Shri Dr.R.Srinivasan, Member Secretary TamilNadu State Council, for Science and Technology and Shri A.S. Ramanaprasad, Managing Trustee, BVM GLOBAL Group of Schools visited the Gallery and appreciated the students work.

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