News & Events

The HOOPS of Fire Basket Ball League

HLC International School, Chennai took    th prid of hosting The HOOPS of Fire Basket Ball League Tournament from 15th   to 19t of November,2017. within their school premises. It was one of the best tournaments of the city. Around forty schools in and around Chennai participated in the tournament. Our school grabbed the opportunity and  availethe privilege of sending two teams - the girls team and the boys team,both under the category of U-11. Both the boys and the girls team bagged the Runner-up trophy. Apart  from  thisthe  school  also  set  another  mile  stone bwinning  the  most prestigious 'Fair Play Award'.Niyanth M Badrinarayanan of Class III and Ashrya Prabhu of Class V received 'The Best Player Award'.  Raghav Warrier of Class IV and Sukanya of Class VI were honoured with 'The Knowledge Master Award'.

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