News & Events

BVMG MUN 2017-18

BVM Global Bollineni Hillside Senior Secondary School conducted its 2nd BVMG MUN on 21st  of October, 2017.The inauguration  was  held in AV room and was presided  bthe  Principal Mr.   P   G.   Subramanian, Vice Principal Mrs. Rohini Mahajan, Chief Guest, Dr. Bhanu Shankar, Principal BVMi BHS. Our Principal declared  the  MUopen. The   student of   Classes VIII,  IX,  X  and  XI  from BVM BHS, BVMi and BVM Perungudi participated as Delegates, Chairs of Committees, Admin Staff and as BVMG MUN Press.The MUN had 6 committees- UNSC, ECOSOC, OHCHR, DISEC, SPECPOL and UNEP. The Chairs of the various committees finalized agendas on the current worldwide crisis and issues. The Chairs and the Delegates participated enthusiastically in the MUN.  The students of the BVMG MUN Press came out with a wonderful newsletter at the end of the day.MUN  gives  students  a  wonderful  opportunitto  sharpen  their  debating  skills,  draft resolutions and prepare a newsletter. The students learnt important lessons of diplomacy, conflict resolution and critical thinking. Various awards like Best Executive Board Member, Best Position Paper, Best Delegate, Special Mention Award, Best Admin Staff and Best Reporter were awarded to the students at the end of the day.


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