In BVM GLOBAL BOLLINENI HILLSIDE,the space week was celebrated from 8th October to 13th October.Speeches were given by students of class 8 on interesting topics such as space exploration, general space, Earth like planets.Students from classes 8 and 9 were invited to the space quiz in Sathyabama University. Students of class 8 were taken to ISRO space exhibition in Sathyabama University on 5th of October. Different parts of a rocket were displayed and college students explained them.To propagate the benefits of the Indian Science Programme to the nation, the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO’s) Sathish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) has collaborated with Sathyabama University to celebrate the World Space Week this year. As a part of its 30th year celebrations, Sathyabama University takes pride in joining hands with SDSC to organize the Space Mela on 5th and 6th of October, 2017 at the University premises. The programme is organized to highlight the significant achievements that Indian Space Research Organization has witnessed to the school, college and University students.Inspirational videos were shown in the college auditorium which said about the different ISRO projects namely Chandrayan, PSLV, Mangalyan and their journey in space. Posters were given to the students showing the list of ISRO rojects.
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