News & Events

Independence Day 2017

71 st  Independence Day of our country was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect in the AV room of the KG block. The   room was decorated with flags, group charts, take away and colorful pictures. The students dressed up in tricolours.  A PPT on the Independence Day was shown. Patriotic songs were sung. The children were briefed about the freedom fighters and their struggle for freedom. Take away, National flags and chocolates were distributed to the students.In the Senior block the Independence Day celebration started at 7:45 a.m. in the School Assembly Ground. Miss Megna Ganesh of class-X and Master Pratham L Prakash of class-IX A were the Chief Guests.To Commemorate the sovereignty of our nation, the Chief Guests unfurled the tricolor  flag  and  alin  unisosang  the Flag song and expressed the joy of our freedom.The Chief Guests addressed the students to become ideal citizens of the country and spoke on the significance of the historic day.Cultural Programmes like group songs, speeches and dance were presented by the students. The Programme came to an end with a Vote of Thanks and National Anthem.

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